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Portuguese homework for Microsoft Word

Preview of (Portuguese) Washington Crossing the Delaware "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Washington Crossing the Delaware "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Em que data Washington cruzou o rio Delaware?-Que tipo de soldados britânicos estavam acampados no rio Delaware?-Em que cidade os britânicos estavam localizados?-Que “tipo” de ataque foi considerada a travessia noturna?-O que os
Preview of (Portuguese) Valley Forge "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Valley Forge "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Quando o Exército Continental Americano acampou em Valley Forge?-Como é frequentemente chamado Valley Forge?-Onde fica Valley Forge?-Washington escolheu Valley Forge porque ficava perto de qual cidade?-Que montanhas faziam do Val
Preview of (Portuguese) Treaty of Paris "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Treaty of Paris "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:O Tratado de Paris foi um acordo de paz entre quais dois países?-Quando foi assinado o Tratado de Paris?-Onde foi assinado o tratado?-Quais são os três homens que representaram os Estados Unidos?-Quem representou a Grã-Bretanha e
Preview of (Portuguese) Townshend Acts "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Townshend Acts "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Quem aprovou os Atos Townshend?-Em que ano foi aprovada a Lei Townshend?-Quais importações foram taxadas pelo Townshend Acts?-Que direito os Atos Townshend davam aos oficiais britânicos?-Quem apresentou os atos de Townshend ao Pa
Preview of (Portuguese) Paul Revere "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Paul Revere "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Por que Paul Revere era famoso?-Em que cidade Paul Revere nasceu?-Qual era a profissão de Paul Revere?-De que famoso protesto no porto de Boston Paul Revere fez parte?-Que rio Paul Revere cruzou antes de seu famoso passeio?-Quem
Preview of (Portuguese) Lexington and Concord "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Lexington and Concord "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:O que as batalhas de Lexington e Concord sinalizaram?-Qual foi a data das Batalhas de Lexington e Concord?-Quem o exército britânico estava tentando capturar em Lexington?-Quantos milicianos americanos encontraram os britânicos e
Preview of (Portuguese) Fort Ticonderoga "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Fort Ticonderoga "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Em que estado está localizado o Forte Ticonderoga?-Quantas batalhas ocorreram no forte durante a Revolução Americana?-Quando ocorreu a captura do Forte Ticonderoga?-Que grupo foi encarregado de capturar o Forte Ticonderoga?-Quem
Preview of (Portuguese) Declaration of Independence "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

(Portuguese) Declaration of Independence "Watch, Read & Answer" Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Há quanto tempo as colônias estavam em guerra com a Grã-Bretanha antes de declararem sua independência?-Como foram chamados os cinco líderes designados para redigir a declaração de independência?-Quem escreveu o primeiro rascunho
Preview of (Portuguese) Battles of Saratoga "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

(Portuguese) Battles of Saratoga "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Que general britânico se rendeu na batalha de Saratoga?-Como era conhecido o general Burgoyne?-Quem liderou as forças americanas em Saratoga?-Em que rio os britânicos planejavam dividir as forças americanas?-Onde os líderes britâ
Preview of (Portuguese) Battle of Yorktown "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

(Portuguese) Battle of Yorktown "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:O que o exército britânico fez após a Batalha de Yorktown?-Quem era o líder colonial do exército continental no sul?-Após a rendição, o que o governo britânico considerou?-Quem estava no comando das forças britânicas em Yorktown?
Preview of (Portuguese) Battle of Long Island "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment

(Portuguese) Battle of Long Island "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students write about the topicQuestions:Qual foi a maior batalha da guerra revolucionária?-Como é chamada hoje a área onde a Batalha de Long Island foi travada?-Em que data ocorreu a Batalha de Long Island?-Quem estava no comando geral das forças americanas?-Quem era o
Preview of (Portuguese) Mesopotamia Daily Life "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment

(Portuguese) Mesopotamia Daily Life "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA: Em InglesRESPONDA: Em InglesEm que viviam as pessoas antes do crescimento das cidades e das grandes cidades?- Que trabalho faziam as pessoas que viviam no país?- Em que a sociedade foi dividida pela primeir
Preview of (Portuguese) Akkadian Empire "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

(Portuguese) Akkadian Empire "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (WORD)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA: Em InglesQuanto tempo durou o Império Acadiano?- Qual foi o primeiro império a governar a Mesopotâmia?- O que os governantes acadianos descobriram que os ajudou a se fortalecer?- De que parte da Mesopotâmia
Preview of (Portuguese) Sumeria "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Sumeria "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA: Em InglesO que foi construído em torno das cidades-estados para protegê-las de ataques?- Que língua substituiu a língua suméria por volta de 2500 aC?- De que material eram feitas as casas e os edifícios?- Q
Preview of (Portuguese) The Ziggurat "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) The Ziggurat "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA: Em InglesQue palavra melhor descreve o que é um Zigurate?- Zigurates foram encontrados em que região?- O que significa "Etemenaki"?- Que cultura construiu, pirâmides que se assemelhavam aos zigurates?- O qu
Preview of (Portuguese) Mesopotamia "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Mesopotamia "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA:Animais domesticados criados em uma fazenda são considerados?-Ter comida mais do que suficiente é chamado?-Ficar em um lugar enquanto cria plantações e animais é chamado?-Os rios Tigre e Eufrates têm quanto
Preview of (Portuguese) Cuneiform "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Cuneiform "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:RESPONDA: Em InglesQue cultura desenvolveu a primeira escrita?- O cuneiforme começou como o quê?- Sobre o que os antigos sumérios escreviam?- O que foi usado para fazer símbolos nas tábuas de barro?- Cuneiforme signi
Preview of (Portuguese) The Stamp Act "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) The Stamp Act "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
This assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topic Questions & Answers:Responda:Em que ano os britânicos colocaram a Lei do Selo nas Colônias Americanas?-Que materiais foram tributados ao abrigo da Lei do Selo?-Como os britânicos sabiam que um colono pagava o imposto?-O que a Lei do Sel
Preview of (Portuguese) Magna Carta "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Magna Carta "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
Questions are in Portuguese. Students Answer in EnglishThis assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topicQuestions and AnswersResponda: Em Ingles Em que ano o rei João assinou a Magna Carta?- O que a Magna Carta dizia sobre o Rei?- O que é considerada a Carta Magna?- Quando e por que João s
Preview of (Portuguese) Boston Tea Party "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Boston Tea Party "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
Questions are in Portuguese. Students Answer in EnglishThis assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topicQuestions and AnswersResponda: (Em inglês)Em que data aconteceu o Boston Tea Party?-Contra quem o Boston Tea Party foi um protesto?-Quantos navios foram abordados pelos manifestantes?-De
Preview of (Portuguese) Boston Massacre "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Boston Massacre "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
Questions are in Portuguese. Students Answer in EnglishThis assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topicQuestions and AnswersQual foi a data em que ocorreu o Massacre de Boston?-Quais foram os dois grupos envolvidos no Massacre de Boston?-Quantos colonos americanos morreram no massacre de
Preview of (Portuguese) Roman Republic "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Roman Republic "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
Questions are in Portuguese. Students Answer in EnglishThis assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topicQuestions and AnswersPor quantos anos Roma foi governada por uma república?-Para que a República Romana se tornou a base?-Como eram chamados os funcionários eleitos na República Romana?-
Preview of (Portuguese) Mayflower Compact "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

(Portuguese) Mayflower Compact "Watch, Read & Answer" Online Assignment (Word)

Created by
BAC Education
Questions are in Portuguese. Students Answer in EnglishThis assignment works for students in the classroom and at home. 1. Students watch a short Student friendly video on the topic2. Students read a student friendly article on the topic3. Students answer questions from the article 4. Students summarize the topicQuestions and AnswersO que os peregrinos deixaram a Inglaterra em busca?- Em que ano foi fundada a colônia de Plymouth?- Por que muitos dos peregrinos eram chamados de “separatistas”?- Q
Preview of Homework Folder Labels - PORTUGUESE

Homework Folder Labels - PORTUGUESE

Created by
Learn conmigo
Help students keep their homework folders organized with these labels. These will also help families know which things to keep at home and which ones to send back to school.FITS AVERY LABELS 18163**Please keep in mind that this is not a PDF document and the font might change based on the fonts you have available on your computer. The document is editable, so you can select the font of your choice.
Showing 1-24 of 31 results