
Maria Gavin from Kinder Craze

United States - Michigan
Maria Gavin from Kinder Craze
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By Maria Gavin from Kinder Craze
This is a writing dictionary for students in Grades K-1-2 to use as a personal word-collecting resource. Each letter of the alphabet is presented on a separate page with nine blank lines for recording words. Students can write sight words and other
Creative Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd
Activities, Word Walls, Printables
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Hi and welcome! I’m Maria. I’m a kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home blogging mom to two beautiful, sweet, and joyfully energetic children. I graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, then went on to complete my Master’s degree in Curriculum and Teaching from MSU a few years later. I spent 13 years teaching First Grade and Kindergarten (both full-day and half-day) at a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Each program came with its own exciting and challenging moments, but I especially loved teaching half-day kindergarten. My teaching blog, Kinder Craze started as a space to share my passion and love for early childhood education. I love having the opportunity to stay at home with my babies while they are young and often think about returning to the classroom once they are at school full-time. I don’t want to rush a single moment of our time together because I know that they are only little once and I want to enjoy as much of this sweet, exciting, exhausting, challenging season in our lives as I can. And right now, It’s pretty fun just being a regular mom who takes her kids to school.


I strive to create a warm and compassionate learning environment for my young students. Routine, bright colors, and organization are important to me because I believe it helps children feel more safe and secure in their school environment. I also like to have fun in the classroom with my children and make the learning experience as hands-on and dynamic as possible.


Graduated with High Honors, Michigan State University, May 2004


Graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Elementary Education, and a teaching major of Social Studies. Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum from Michigan State University.


I love all things tidy and organized, bright colors, natural lighting, and I think quiet time by myself for a mani and pedi is the ultimate treat. Contact me via email at Stop by Kinder-Craze, a blog for kindergarten and primary grade teachers. Stop by for great ideas, inspiration, and fun!